107 Minions
92 Advisors

Charmingly Euphemistic

I am currently reading mostly gay romance, mysteries, science fiction, etc.

Currently reading

The Soldier's Scoundrel
Cat Sebastian
Trevor Barton
Dark Space
Lisa Henry

Thanks to the M/M authors supporting Dear Author!

Dear Author, a romance review blog, is being sued by the publisher Ellora's Cave to try to stop the blog from reporting on the problems at the press (including not paying its authors).


Here are the author names I noticed on the FundMe page.  I am sure there are others among the anonymous donations or using names I don't recognize. 


Josh Lanyon

Megan Derr

L.B. Gregg


The GoFundMe page is here:




It has raised $36,000 in one day.



Edited to add:


I noticed a few more M/M authors today:


Jules Jones

C.B Conwy

Jane Davitt

S.A. Meade


I'm sure there are more - I don't recognize half of the authors in M/M anymore.