I downloaded this book to my Kindle in December of 2010, so only four months after I started reading M/M (Collision Course by K.A. Mitchell, but that's another story). I adored the book and (unlike some of my early reads which haven't really stood the test of time) I still love it. Why? Because it is so very British - the characters live in the National Health Service, and their politics are foreign to me while still making sense in context. Because I feel like the characters are real people who are carrying on with their lives without the book or me. The things they eat, the way they relate to each other, their friends and colleagues and patients are all genuine. Because it includes kink
without putting me off, by making me believe the characters love it and revel in it. Because the female characters (and the old people, and the kids) are fully realized characters too. Because the main characters are perfect for each other without remotely being perfect people or having a perfect relationship.
Yeah; happy sigh ...